Two Expressions of The Dream

The Dream expresses in fairly poetic language some of the aspirations, values and vision for what is now known as The Order for Baptist Ministry.  These have been summarised in the following way:

We are an

‘Order for Baptist Ministry who see ministry as a living means of grace to the church
as together we mediate the presence of Christ in the world.’

Our priority is

‘to encourage patterns and rhythms of relationship and devotional life
that sustain this way of being.’

In particular we see two main expressions of the values and vision dubbed The Dream.

  1. Commitment to prayer and attentiveness
    • A daily office – a rhythm of prayer with seasonal variation
    • Spiritual accompaniment
    • Retreat
  2. Commitment to gather
    • annually for a residential convocation
    • in  a cell
      • usually meeting 4-8 times a year, each cell free to determine its own life
      • to walk together and watch over one another in love
      • praying the daily office together
      • using review or ‘examen’ questions (below) based in The Dream

Questions to consider in cell groups

After reminding ourselves of the commitment to
‘live within the disciplines of this Order
committed to prayer
committed to gather
following the rule of Christ
with hearts set on pilgrimage
makers of peace
pursuers of justice
lovers of mercy
bearing witness to Christ.’

we help one another to consider…

  1. In what part of my life and experience is God particularly addressing me at the moment?
  2. What part of my life am I keeping away from God’s gaze and word at the moment?